

Colorado health care professionals and frontline personnel
didn’t have the equipment they needed. We made it.

How safe is your indoor space? Use the Aerosolve app to find out!


Make4Covid's principles, practices, and lessons learned.


Open source face mask and shield design files.

Face Masks & Shields

About Make4Covid

During the supply chain disruptions early in the pandemic, Colorado health care professionals and frontline personnel didn’t have the PPE they needed, so we decided to make it. In just a few months, Make4Covid rapidly grew a coalition of 2000 volunteers--makers, designers, artists and engineers, hobbyists and professionals, from across the state of Colorado and beyond. United in a common purpose, we collaboratively designed, manufactured and distributed essential equipment for Colorado’s health care workers and first responders.

What We Accomplished

We came a long way in a short time by working together.


Pieces of PPE Delivered


Partner Organizations


Community Volunteers


Equipment Requests Fulfilled


How safe is your indoor space? Use Aerosolve to find out! The app will walk you through a step-by-step evaluation process and provide actionable recommendations to help you make your space as safe as possible.

Aerosolve is an open-source project based on MIT’s COVID-19 Indoor Safety Guideline. Learn more about it here.

The M4C Playbook

Make4Covid was immensely--and somewhat surprisingly--successful, despite the challenges of operating rapidly and remotely during a pandemic. Since M4C’s inception, the number of participants has grown from a handful of friends and colleagues to dozens of volunteers offering time, skills, and resources in an effort to serve their community. Along the way, we developed effective procedures and gained critical experience that we want to share with others by way of this Playbook. If you're building a collaborative online community, this document is for you!

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